Hmmm... I was too tired during the first few months to really recall much - LOL! He was running and climbing by 10 months - that I do remember!. I never gave early physical development much thought. Is there empirical-based research that supports early physical development equals a gifted IQ? Maybe after I finish my summer reading list I'll look up some articles.
A few things do come mind though I don't recall which, if any, being the first time I noticed.
I recall parking in a public garage and ds saying "G4 orange" over and over. Then I noticed he was pointing to the section marker infront of my car which was orange and labeled G4. He wasn't quite 1 yet. I was shocked bc we were not teaching him these things. No fancy flashcards...
Somewhere between 1 & 2, he correctly pointed out the colors on the pediatrician's tie which led to the good doctor dropping the "G" word. Around the same time he spelled out the phrases on my Uncle's t-shirt, including numbers -first time he ever saw the shirt. I remember thinking then that having a gifted child would be a breeze in terms of school.