This isn't a recommendation but a request. My DS6 is having trouble with his spelling with his blends. He reads just fine but can't spell nearly as well. For example barn will be "bnre", girl will be "grl" or "gerl", etc. He's leaving the middle vowel sounds out or mixing them up. Anyway, I haven't really worried about this and just figured it was developmental. However, his teacher seems concerned so I told her I would work with him on it. I have been searching for some type of software or board game or something else fun to help him with this. He really likes playing computer games so I thought this would be a good way to help him. He definitely doesn't want more workbook pages to do!! I've found a few things on line but it is hard to know how good they are.

If any of you have any kind of phonics software or board games or home made games or anything else to recommend I'd appreciate it. Thanks!