Originally Posted by Dottie
Oh, I didn't mean to ignore your concerns. She could be a visual-spatial child, who typically present as "all or nothing". My middle child is like that. She seems even behind at times, and then wham....she has it cold. But she doesn't like doing things "halfway", and the concept of "learning curve" is difficult for her. Once she masters things though, look out. If that's your dd's learning style, it would explain her hesitation to try new things, or things she can't master. My daughter is almost 11, so we've been through quite a few cycles of this.

Actually, DD is like that, 'all or nothing'. I used to say that she is like a computer with a demo software. She shows you what she could do, but doesn't do it, until one day the full software is charged, and then within a few days it works perfectly. She did that for the potty training, going from diapers full time to no diapers in one day. Or going up and down the stairs: she refused to do it properly for a long time until one day she said 'I am a big girl' and went down just like that.

I have been thinking and another factor that may contribute to the perceived difficulty of the activities by DD is that she may not know what is the purpose of it and how it does connect with other activities. I think she may need the global picture.