Hi all,
I've been trying to check into Life of Fred after reading about it here. It looks as if it could be a really good match for my DD, but I'm not sure where to have her start. She has been meandering through Singapore workbooks independently at school and is in 5B. I think that she's pretty well grounded in fractions (conceptually). I looked at the sample pages on the site and it has a bridge for about 2/3 of the way through that I think she would have no trouble completing. However, since there isn't a pre-test on line, I feel like I'm guessing. Twenty dollars isn't a lot for a book--unless you don't need it smile So...I'm wondering if anyone who has used both LoF and Singapore can tell me whether she should start with fractions or go directly to decimals and percents. Her concept of percents is solid, her decimal understanding is more skill-based and could use firmer grounding. If she is placed in the same class next year (she's in a multi-age) she will likely spend a lot of time working independently. She enjoyed reading the Number Devil, so I think she might enjoy the LoF approach more than the Singapore. This is a kiddo who enters another universe when reading or drawing, but is completely distractible in almost every other situation. Thus the s-l-o-o-o-w journey through her workbooks despite verbal demonstrations of conceptual understanding. I'd appreciate anyone's insights!