Shari, very well said. I had tears in my eyes reading your comments. Thank you. You spoke for me, and for many other parents of HG children, espcially those who simply can't afford the astronomical tuitions of those specialized programs.

Dr. Suzy I live in NY. I'm in a dire need for help to advocate for my HG son. He is in the 99.9th percentile with IQ score of 154 and at least two years above grade level. He attended a private school for the gifted in KG, but unfortunately we are unable keep up with their tuition hikes any more.

The local school district is extremely under educated when it comes to HG. They felt offended when I asked if they have any special program for the academically gifted chilren. "Who? we deal with all types of students in the classroom. It's a very well-diversified community" they said. Test results are way below average and school environment is deteriorated.

I tried to ask if my son can attend a neighboring school district, which has a program for the gifted, but all doors were slammed in my face. I wrote letters to local board of education, neighboring school district board of education and even the State office for the gifted. No response. Any advice?