When DS was tested they did the SBV on the first day, then we went back for the out-of-level on the next day. I do think that the testing was done well and we are happy with the report and how the pshychologist took all things into consideration. She specifically states that looking just at his FSIQ score does not accurately represent his abilities. She also told us that we should retest when he is 7-8 years old as the scores tend to equalize (NV and V scores) and she thinks his IQ scores will come up across the board.
When I look at Ruf's Levels, he seems to have all the characteristics of Level 2, some of 3 and even a few in 4. I don't see the intensity in his processing that I think seems to be characteristic, yet his emotions and sensitivities can be right up there! And he just learns so spontaneously.
I have felt like you, Galaxy Girl, that I don't really want to do all the work associated with the application if he isn't even qualified. but I guess there's only one way to find out. I have started the application and was actually surprised by how much I could put down - hadn't really looked at all the stuff from the baby book and put it together for the "big picture." And I did call and talk to a family consultant at DI who encouraged me to apply as well. She said they would consider all aspects of the child even though the test scores are important.

I like the idea of including a portfolio of his work, maybe even a short video of him, even though we have his test scores. Thanks for the encouragement and input.

One thing that has me hesitate lately is DS seeming to have "slowed down" in his learning. He has a difficult time with being wrong and he is now spending a lot of time doing easy stuff. He's in first grade (5y 7 m, we got early entry based on the tests), but the work here at the beginning of the year is STILL too easy. He mastered all this at least a year ago. And I just don't know how to keep him "turned on to learning." Hence my desire to apply to YS and get some help from experts. We are also starting to see some anxiety and perhaps peer relation issues at school. I don't want to create problems, but am concerned about how things might develop. I've always felt that proactive is better than reactive!

Thanks again for the advice and support. Sorry this is long - glad to have someone to "listen!"