When our ds7 skipped first the entire school it seemed knew about it within a few days. He tells one child and it spreads like wildfire. He's a very social and outgoing child and I think he enjoyed the attention. When someone asked him he told them that he needed to do harder subjects. We told him not to say because first grade is too easy. We didn't want to make other children feel bad who didn't find it easy.

DD10's skip to 6th she told one or two kids. Most didn't believe her and thought she was lying (nice) and the rest either didn't care or thought it was cool.

Mostly the parents have the most to say. And mostly they are negative to the idea. When they ask and we tell them that she was bored or it was too easy, they act somewhat horrified and tell me they couldn't dream of sending their child off to college a year sooner, or that they wouldn't mess with their child's friends/social life. My mother was convinced that bigger children would beat DS up (I'm still not sure where she got this West Side Story impression of elementary school....)