My DD4 is skipping K next year. She's very young and very excited and she just tells anyone if the subject comes up. I think the skip makes her feel even more like a "big kid." The response seems to be "whatever." She's huge for her age, though, and already has a couple of loose teeth on the bottom, so people might not realize.

DS9 skipped 3. He changed schools as part of the skip. None of his old friends seem to mention it when they're together with him.

Meanwhile, a boy in DS9's old 2nd grade class skipped 1 and no one really said much after the first day of school. DS9 told me that he fit into the class well, in spite of being a tiny kid. His thought processes seemed to be on the same level as his classmates, so this was probably a big part of it.

My impression of skips and retentions in young grades (say, up to 4th) is that the kids don't care or even notice too much. I guess they're still very flexible before they're 10.
