Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
Children born to a mother 35 + in age are more likely to be intelligent ... true. They don't know why it is true. It might be the older eggs are the best eggs or mothers 35+ tend to wait to have children after starting a career and usually have some form of college. I think it is the 2nd option ... but anyway ... I laughed and told my DH about the true/false game and get ready we are going to have an intelligent child since I would have just turned 36 when we had our DD. Little did I know just how intelligent she would be.
We had quite a rough road to conceiving. What's kind of interesting to me is that, while of the first three kids, the first has been tested as mg, and at least one if not both of the other two are also, they were before I turned 35. The next one, at 38, seems even smarter, and the fifth one, at 40, seems smarter still - substantially (though perhaps it's because these two are without the various delays, 2E-type issues, that accompanied the first three late bloomers). Now at 41 I'm expecting a surprise #6. Irony aside, perhaps this one will be brilliant. I can only hope. smile

On the issue of oral contraceptives and IQ, perhaps it's something like the whole morning sickness thing discussed in that other thread, along the hypothesis that morning sickness indicates something about the health of the pregnancy which in turn has something to do with higher IQ. It is said that a person might be the most fertile right after coming off the pill - perhaps something about it leads to a more successful/healthful pregnancy. Not that I've figured out what any of this has to do with IQ....