Originally Posted by Grinity
I think finding older kids to play with is a big help. Otherwise just have fun and remember to praise 'character' traits instead of the inborn ones. It's great for a little one to overhear you talking about how 'interested' and 'hard working' and 'willing to try new things' they are.

You may want to start thinking about having a 'computer policy' - our son was interested at age 2.5, but if I had it to do over, I think I would have thrown it out the window instead!


Grinity ... you are so right and I never thought I would be having the problem of computer time with my 2 yr old. I am going to have to buy an egg timer and put it next to the computer and limit her. She is very independent and can get into any of her programs. It is so getting out of hand and if anyone has suggestions (beyond the timer) on what to do I would greatly appreciate it.