Our 7 yr. son was tested by his school's psychologist recently. He had been referred for testing by his 1st grade teacher because of behavioral concerns/inattention in class. His social skills have also lagged behind his age peers.
WISC-IV results: FSIQ 138; VC 144; PR 139; WM 123; PS 103
Verbal subtests: Sim. 17; Vocab. 16; Comp. 19
Percep. subtests: BlockDsgn. 13; PicConcepts 19; MatrixRsng 17
WM subtests: DigitSpan 15; Let-Num Seq. 13
PS subtests: Coding 12; SymSrch 9

We are now seeking the guidance of an independent psychologist to address social skills issues, and discuss what testing results mean for academic purposes. We are hoping that the psychologist we work with will not insist on further testing, but do not know if that is a reasonable position to take. Should he/she be able to work with the data developed through the school's testing in providing us guidance on these issues? Also, is it imperative that we find a "gifted" specialist?