I loved the Seligman book and it has helped. My husband and I both were (are?) gifted and have high sensitivities. He has had migraines and anxiety attacks since Middle School.
My daughter began having anxiety attacks this year. The first time, my husband took her to the ER, but now we know how to treat them.
Sorry for the long extra 'stuff'. She has to be treated first. She is taking these changes really hard and does not want to displease anyone.
Things in my life started to go wrong for me at this age (father's death, mother's abandonment, etc). If she does not do this now, this sadness or whatever you want to call it, will follow her. The process that finally worked for me was EMDR. At this age, she does not know which path to take and will definitely beat herself up for the path she chooses. EMDR helps. Nothing else really sunk in.