Hi ColinsMum, We are in the process of making a decision on a skip for my DS7 - but we are very lucky because the current school is great and working with us. They are currently looking at whether a 1 year or 2 year skip is best. DS has been to classes 2 years above to do some subjects (they have just been seeing how he copes with the work and the older children). This has put my mind at ease to a degree because at least I feel that he has been able to "trial" before anything is decided. The Head has also contacted the next school and is in the process of discussing everything with them to ensure that they would be willing to take DS at a younger age. It is a day school so I am not too worried, but if it were boarding I would share your concerns. Are you able to ask if your DS can trial a few of the classes at the next level? Also, would the Head of your school consider making enquiries on your behalf? We still haven't made any firm decisions and it is starting to get to me!
A Math club sounds good, also does your DS play any instruments or could he do an additional language (such as Latin) at school to give him more challenge? I totally understand when you say that the senior school experiences will be significant and you want him to be able to get the most out of it. Is he generally happy at school, does he complain of boredom? If he is generally happy maybe you can keep him in his year group with additional challenges - if the school are able to accommodate.
I hope that the meeting goes well and keep us posted!