No, and it's very hard to see what the mechanism would be for a connection of this kind! Teeth are highly variable, anyway: so much so that I bet there'll be more than a few people here with HG early-teething babies, and more than a few with HG late-teething babies too. Just to complicate the matter, what is classed as "average" also varies widely from source to source. I remember an idiotic dentist attempting to guess DS's age by his teeth, which is just a silly thing to do (DS was quite average, and he guessed wrong by a factor of nearly 2!), but along the way he gave a definition of when certain teeth were supposed to appear that he'd been taught in dental school but which was nothing like what I'd read or seen in kids around me.

Btw, "old wise tale"? I've only ever heard "old wives' tale". Is yours a conscious variant, or a mis-hearing, or what?

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