There is an old wise tale about teeth that a friend told me a few years ago... Cutting teeth early is a sign of intelligence. The fact that my DD cut her first two teeth right as she turned 4 months was the reason for the conversation.

My post is two folds: How early did your HG child cut their teeth and is what we are experiencing with DD now normal?

My DD had all of her baby teeth way before she should have. I looked online at the documentation about teeth development and the 1st set of teeth are suppose to come in around 6-10 months with the premolars finishing off the baby teeth stage coming in around 23-33 months. DD had all of the baby teeth by the time she was 18 months. And her teeth came in as a pattern of two at a time for the most part.

But now she has another set of molars trying to come in (lower set)and that set is not suppose to come in until they are around 6 years old at the earliest and if I am reading it right this set of molars come in during the lose of baby teeth. A few months back we say a white pocket where the third set should be and she was chewing on straws in that area but it went away now it is back and she is chewing like crazy and the pocket is even more present.

Has anyone else experienced this with their DCs?