Our children are bilingual. Neither I nor my husband are native English speakers. Dh speaks English to the kids and I speak the other language. There are lots of words my children know in one language but not in the other. DS6's VIQ was in 99% but it was still significantly lower than his PIQ. We were told by the psychologist to wait till he is 7 or 8 and retest him if we wanted to get a better idea about his real VIQ. His oral achievement scores weren't even in the gifted category.

Being bilingual was a disadvantage when he was tested but in the long term knowing two or more languages will work to his advantage. It's the trade off for being able to speak another language early on. The difference will eventually disappear.

If you think the current school works well for him, he likes it there and they are willing to accommodate him then it may be a great choice for him.

You can retest in a couple of years and it's quite likely his scores will go up. Even as it is scoring in 93% is a very nice result.
