Hi Nautigal,
Welcome! I love the Cyteen series - but would NOT reccomend them for a twelve year old who is sensitive. (rape + drugs) Great Characters though and big ideas - so fun.

Hi Bassetlover,
I like Jane Yolen- lots but not all are ok for kids.

We found The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, by Diana Wynne Jones
Charmed Life / The Lives of Christopher Chant
The Magicians of Caprona / Witch Week

through the movie 'Howl's moving Castle' which is based on Diana Wynne Jones's book.

Last summer we all read and enjoyed Orson Scott Card's Enders series(es)
Yummy. Some violence, though.

Tamora Pierce is a favorite.

I'm not personally a fan, but lots of kids like Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern - and it's a series.

I love the Oz series, even though it won't be a challenge.

You could try Hoagies Gifted for more ideas:


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