Hi Squirt,
It does sound like you are wanting more answers and help for him, which is clearly understandable. My thought is that it may be helpful to have him evaluated for Aspergers. I know that you say that there are not any that are experienced with gifted children separate from gifted AS kids, but even those experienced with AS should be able to tell if he meets the criteria for diagnosis or not. Also, most with AS are gifted or advanced...but it obviously doesn't always go the other way. Forgive me if I am repeating myself because I may have mentioned this to you before, but I would just see who your pediatrician recommends for assessing possible spectrum disorders. I am sure they have someone that they go through as this is not an uncommon disorder by any means.

My thoughts on going through the expert is that is a lot of time, money, etc. It could be helpful, but possibly not necessary if you already think you know what it is. If you get an evaluator who has worked with AS kids, they should know the difference. Once you get it, you get it. And even before I knew about gifted children I would still see kids that were quite smart and quirky with clear social issues, but that I was not comfortable diagnosing with AS. But if they met the criteria they were still able to receive a diagnosis of PDD-NOS, and receive counseling services and support to work on those social skills that were needed. And in evaluating for AS, the testing scores may be somewhat helpful, but I can't see how reassessing thorough IQ or achievement tests would at all be helpful in an evaluation. It sounds completely unneccesary IMPHO (I added professional, you like that? LOL).