We had our 2nd (last) day of testing this morning. The dr said that he finished it; but I am unsure. Unfortunately DS had to sit in traffic for 1.5 hours before we got there. And the dr didn't have a bag of tricks. He came out saying at the end that DS has some compliance issues. duh? I told him that. And DS started manipulating him as soon as the dr got stressed about his non-compliance. So, after they came out the second time (1st for potty); and I asked DS what it would take for him to sit and work for the dr. He said "cookies." I had some animal cracker cookies with 2 grams of sugar per 8; so we said ok. He would get one or a different bite of his other snack for every 10 mins or so of work. He did focus for a little while longer; but the dr told me one of the tests that DS didn't get; and I was very surprised - very simple. So DS must have shut down at that point. The dr wouldn't give me even a ballpark number. He said DS was up and down; and he was usually wrong when he guessed. I have to wait until the dr gets back from vacation on the 20th. (he originally told me 2 wks) So we'll see. He used the K-SEALS test and the WPPSI. Thanks for your help.

Mom to DS6