Well, their was one time at camp when she got horrible impetigo. She also developed a sore throat, so (she was reluctant to tell the camp people) so when we got to a lodge after camp, we were going to go swimming. I could easily see the impetigo at that point. We took her to the doctor, and he said she was pretty sick, which she denied by all means necessary. Perhaps that little mishap was a part of the fear now. She has told me that she is not afraid of the doctor itself, she is just afraid of "being sick." She said "I can live my life normal if I know I'm sick and nobody else does, but when people know, it ruins everything." I have no idea why she would want to be like that, because when she is sick at school, I know she would much prefer being in a warm bed with the tv in the room and eating chicken noodle soup (or nothing if its not a strep throat/flu type thing).