thank you all for these wonderful replies...lots to think about. I agree with those of you that question my sending her to her room. It didn't feel right and it didn't work AT ALL. what has worked so well that past couple of days is basically not making her rude comments a big deal. So in the store today she yelled once and I said to her "I don't yell at you, so please don't yell at me." And that was the end of it. At the till she asked for a book that she had been looking at in the cart. I told her that we were just looing at it in the store and it wasn't to take home. I told her we had a lot of other new books at home that we hadn't looked at a lot yet and I told her it was $15 which was too much money for that book (and it was!). Well, she said very rudely "no, I said I want this book and i want it right now." I was unloading the shopping cart while she was saying this, so I kind of brushed it off and said "C----, that is rude, and the answer is still no." and that was the end of that.

My question my not making a big deal out of something like that basically spoiling her and not giving her boundaries? I know it was good that at least I didn't give in and buy the book, but what about talking more about the language and tone of voice she used?

What do you think?