Very busy week for DS.
State science fair is today - both my kids are participants, I am so glad it is almost over. Hate it with a passion!

AIME is tomorrow. DS will be writing alone in a counsellor office, I believe.It is a three hour exam. I do hope that he gets one question correct. I am really not expecting great results, we were all pretty excited when he did qualify based on his AMC 10 A score (and he scored even higher on AMC 10 B, proving that he has really arrived at the AIME doorstep).

Wednesday is state math contest, another 2.5 hour competition, a good hour drive away.

Thursday is Math Kangaroo, which I am a chairperson for.

Friday is day off, but DS will have to work on his history fair project.

Saturday is ARML Local.

I do not think DS will hate math by Sunday as he is really doing a lot of problemsolving daily, or almost daily, but he will be exausted from the sheer stress of it all.

Did I mention that our school has a book fair all this week, of which I am a co-chair, and expected to be there MOST of the time?