Originally Posted by Cym
Teacher doesn't go over problems they get wrong (she often doesn't share the results because she doesn't want to make the kids who don't score well feel bad). They Never broadcast who are the top scorers.

Similar here. I actually proctor monthly Math Olympiad at our school for over 100 kids . It takes me three days, I have to walk 4th grade students (the youngest participants) from their building to the middle school building. So it really takes some time. Since I am already so involved, I suggested that I will do some kind of a poster for the hallway, at lest for the little ones, that would show their progress from month to month , something similar to the racing horses. No way, they did not want the students who score 0 or 1 on montly test to feel bad. Well, MAJORITY of them scores 0 or 1 on a monthly test, so what is all the sheltering about? Why do we discourage academic competition in american schools?