We are going to test DS6 again this summer. The first time DS tested was with the school diagnostician on the DAS II. She admitted herself that she hadn't ever seen anyone remotely like him and had to take his testing to the Director of Special Ed for norming. She didn't know how to do it.

In an effort to save money, he was only given portions of the test, enough to qualify him for services. Plus there were issues with timed sections, the diagnostician said that his creativity kept getting in the way.

I do for the most part believe that once you have a complete IQ test given by someone that is good at what they do, it shouldn't have to be repeated. Achievement testing and above level testing is much more telling. After all isn't the point to know that your child is moving forward?

I'm not terribly anxious about this round as I already know that he's "wicked smart". DYS even with incomplete testing. But I'm looking forward to having the perspective of someone familiar with kids like these.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!