Sorry to hear of all your frustration. You've convinced me that we will get nowhere at DS6's school for an IEP or a 504 either - though I will try anyway. Again this morning the school counsellor has written that as he has all "Es" on his report card so she doubts CSIT team is needed for his BIP. Funny though - because he acutally has 3 "S:, a totally FAILING for "conduct" and a "U" for unsatisfactory on work study skills. If his conduct is a true "Grade" - then that blows that argument and as I argued with them previously - if a 3rd trip to the Office of Student Conduct really does result in 11-364 days suspension - then wouldn't that qualify as a disabiltiy that's inteferring in his education?!

I'm sure there is room also, to argue that work study skill habits alone would be affected in future if not now by ADHD and possibly require an IEP? Does anyone have a strong opinion on this?

I personally can't see the sense of developing a BIP if they are going to do it based on an FBA they did before he was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD? Unless they would create it exactly the same way, based on behviors observed regardless? Psychologist just wrote and asked us to bring extra information re diagnosis etc. Thank goodness! The counsellor just doesn't seem to be "getting it".

I don't right now feel the need to remove DS6 from class - seeing as they are adamantly against skipping grades so far! Class is working out better and they gave him a "corral" / "private desk area" already which seems to be helping. (Not sure that would go down well under the anti-exclusion laws of a 504 - but it might be okay as an accommodation in an IEP?)

My main concern is that they don't keep on suspending him for behavioral reasons.

I'd really appreciate further clarification from anyone here that knows for sure whether CSIT teams HAVE to legally do something. Is it true that they need a diagnosis before they can test of their own accord? I read somewhere that they have a certain amount of days before they have to respond to a written request and that if they test and a parent disagrees with their diagnosis it's legal for the parent to insist that the school pays for a second opinion from an outside source. Don't know if that only applies to VA.

We were told at the last meeting that even though they might chose to do extra tests on top of what we were getting done privately, they certainly would not repeat any tests within a 6 month period, esp. with gifted child - as they tend to remember the answers. That seemd fair enough - but it also seemed liked they were passing the buck - quite happy for us to part with our money first.

I also don't like the counsellors tone in regard to their coming up with a BIP when she says things like "he must learn to conduct himself a specific way around adults". A child with ODD is obviously not necessarily ever going tolearn that unless there is way to get them over the ODD, and as that is apparently liked to the ADHD, I guess "curing" that is the key.


Keep on advocating for 2E kids will still be my motto. I think it's awful that gifted kids are not reaching their potential and schools don't care - possibly even worse that accommodations are not being made for gifted kids with disabilites.

Seems to me there needs to be a change in IDEA. 2E needs a blending point between the current PArts B & C and the legislation that deals with GT.

Secondly - States with a GIEP - according to what Dottie says -don't accommodate to disability properly either. Seems to me we need IEP, GIEP and something in the middle. Can we start a campaign? Got confirmation that someone name Connie Lorenson is already lobbying in Fairfax VA for this!

Sorry again - too many subjects in one thread probably!!

Last edited by IronMom; 03/11/09 01:34 PM. Reason: clarification/additional info