Unless I'm in a 'stir-the-pot' mood, when I say:
'Yeah, but at least I don't have to worry about those phone calls we used to get from other parents saying that my son ruined their child's childhood by explaining to them about (fill in the blank: Santa, Where Babies Come From, The Economy!)

Grinity this is great! At Christmas we were told via several school sources that DS6 was constantly discussing the "Santa myth" with his fellow classmates. He was very disturbed that his friends bought into the "lie". We were asked to please discuss this with him. The Economy is a whole 'nother thread.

I agree 100% with let kids be kids. But when your kid's interests are philosophical, deep conversations about existence, life, science, evolution, economics, etc, isn't fostering that letting them be a kid? I mean the same people then turn around and "accuse" your child as being immature. "If they are so 'gifted' as you say, then why can't they sit still?" And I love the Bill Engval "Here's your sign" comment. ROFLMAO