My DS8 (but very soon 9) is currently accelerated to grade 4. He and I went to visit a little middle/high school today. The school starts at 6th grade officially, but their outreach person told me that they'll take kids as soon as grade 4.

Last year I thought he was too young. This year he's complaining about the lack of other boys his age at his extremely small primary school.

We met with the principal today and he told us that his son (age 10) attends the middle school. This kid and DS played and seemed to hit it off. Good sign. I think there might be one or two other ten year-olds at the school. Plus lots of 11 year-olds.

The director invited DS to come to school next week for a day. He told us that they'll put him in whatever classes are appropriate and didn't seem to be as focused on mastery as the current school. I've heard this before, but he and one of the teachers said the kids work mostly at individual paces. We accepted the invitation, and we'll see what everyone thinks.

Question: if he goes, he'll most likely go into 6th grade subjects except for math (9th? 10th?). So if you or your child have/has done more than one skip: advice please. Thoughts? Comments? Pitfalls?

I'm thinking, "Middle school at 9 seems like a big jump. Would he be ready for this?"

On the one hand, I don't want to push the kid and turn him into an unhappy overachiever. On the other hand, he's already in 6th grade math at school (no problems at all) and does algebra with me. He also likes to listen in on 5th and 6th grade science at school and isn't at all intimidated by any of it. I guess my biggest concern would be essay writing.

This school has an academic focus, but the kids get a full hour for lunch every day, which will give him plenty of time to run around outside. The PE teacher is a former pro football player and so I think we can assume that PE will be Good Stuff. They have a huge field.

Thoughts are welcome.
