I wonder if my special ed teacher friend thinks my son is disrespectful to me. She probably does and maybe he is, sometimes, but he does it in a joking manner that makes me even laugh sometimes and I can't yell at him if I am laughing. When he disagrees with things I do he finds ways to point out to me that I am either wrong or too hard on him. He did it again. We were eating lunch at a scouting event Saturday with my special ed teacher friend when my son noticed a grammatical error on something he was reading. He asked me to look at it and tell him how it should have been written. He knows that I am self conscious around teachers. I looked at it and told him that I was having trouble reading it because the print was too small. He didn't believe I couldn't read it and said "Well Mom, just try harder. If you just try a little harder I know you can do it." Then he told my friend that's what I tell him all the time. Later, at home, he teased me about stretching the truth and little white lies, and my husband joined in because he thought it was funny.