Thanx Trinity and Cym:
I guess I am already a little relaxed about it since I have spoken to other people and they also tell me that starting in 7th grade LA is way less structered than before. Several people have also told me to forget about spelling at this point.

Things in the classrom have also changed over the last week, I am quessing because of my talk with the P and the other LA teacher. She is still reading to them, but closer to 15-20 minutes a day. See, this I can agree with. But the first month it was reading for 45 minutes accompanied by a 5 minute discussion while the kids were getting ready to leave.I stand firmly with my belief, that reading to middle schoolers for 90% of the lesson is way, way too much.
As you all know, we do not use English in our house, so my kid's vocabulary has to be built outside. That is mostly why I wanted her to do more vocabulary work with those kids. I know that you built your vocabulary by reading, but it is during discussion that you learn how to use those words .
Writing is pathetic, as I have said before they are only now working on the first writing assignment of the year. But I can llve with that since next year he will be writing tons.
I guess I have to look at it, like Trinity said, as yet another study hall during the day. At least Ghost does not have to stress about this class at all.

Looking back, I think that the biggest motivator behind my actions is the fact that I want Ghost to be on par with the kids that are doing Extended Learning Program (the one I could not get him into, even though his test scores are the highest in the state!!!) when he joins them, hopefully, in a couple of years.
Thankfully, Ghost is really beginning to advocate for himself.
