Thks for your views.

DS8 is currently at grade 3. He started with option (1) with 5th grade Math class since beginning of the year. Feedback from the 5th grade teacher was that everyone loves having him in class as he knows what he is doing. When asked if he likes the class, he just shrugged and said "OK but actually I am not learning anything new". He is someone that will sit through the class without complains.

The option of CTY opens up since he qualifies with this recent SCAT results. I found out that the 3rd grade teacher is actually looking forward to him doing it in the classroom while the rest of her kids are having Math. The current pull-out option makes DS missed out his regular reading and writing class... so the teacher has to make it up while the class is doing something else. She also shared her view that it's a pity that DS had to miss mini class discussions during reading/ writing as she thinks these are valuable too.

The mentor option is suggested by the school psychologist. This mentor is a tutor who is passionate abt Math and is currently tutoring high school math outside school. I have not met this tutor and do not know at the moment how the tutoring will work.