Hmmm... so i definitely get selective memory, big man is like that. what'd you do today often comes with "i don't remember" but details from forever ago are easily recalled. I guess i think of the forgefulness as driven by distraction - "i remember what i learn, but not what i do b/c my brain is on so many things at once...."...

So, is it related to GT? Or are kids just random like that? Does one have to do with the other in any way? I mean, is it odd for a 3 y/o to remember what plate (pooh) / food (pasta, no, spaghetti!)/ reaction (I didn't want to eat it, i was full) he had at a restaurant (and in what location - ok, he was off a country, but to be fair we were in 3 in one week...) 4 months ago?

Certainly, remembering someone you only met once at 3 mo. is crazy amazing to me, but maybe at 3 years it's not that big of a deal?

I guess what surprises me more is when little things are remembered, not things they've researched/studied,etc., but random things, like the name of the chapter we left off on a week ago in one of the 10 books we've been reading, the name of one of the 46 Mr. Men books in which one of the other Mr. Men makes a cameo (books not looked at since months ago)... random stuff. Does it matter?

I like that memory itself is of interest. it's fascinating to me. For me it's the completeness of memory - sounds, smells, times/places. Anyway, i babble. I love reading your responses.