My daughter seemed to remember everything until about age 4. Then, she began forgetting quite a bit - I guess she was selecting. It was strange. She remembers everything she ever learned, but she does not remember personal things and memories (which hurts). This is typical of all children, but I was still shocked when it happened.

She is more focused on facts, not people (like my husband). I can remember the entire lineage of the Romanovs, but can't remember how much the bread costs that I just purchased. They both remember the price of everything and we argue about this.

I love studying memory (having been a computer programmer).

My daughter is very forgetful (at 11), but never forgets facts. She never remembers where anything in the house is located and probably needs a full-time secretary.

It is so strange to watch this happen, though. She truly seemed to remember everything that happened up to a certain age.