What if DS could throw a baseball 100 yards or score at will in soccer? And loved the game?

What would you do then?

Not take him to camps where he could be with other top junior players and not move into a school district or area where he could advance his skill?

What if DS was a great artist or dancer? He'd be in classes with older kids.

I suppose you could have one night a week where DS makes dinner. If he is like most kids, he loves macaroni and cheese and its easy to fix as well. That could be his macaroni art!!!

Originally Posted by BWBShari
After spending most of my day furious, it occurred to me that i'm going about this all wrong. Forget the emotion and get to the facts. I printed several articles (thanks, pauli) wrote down some websites and when she comes home I'm going to help her begin her education! We've got 5 weeks until his scheduled IEP, so that's my time frame. Cross your fingers!!!

Good luck!!

Last edited by Austin; 02/24/09 06:40 PM.