Originally Posted by Movingup6
Thank you for your response. We do feel he is gifted, but some of the scores on these boards are so much higher, that i was beginning to question if he fell in the gifted range.

Remember that there are different levels of GTness (LOGs). Technically, an IQ score of 115 is the low end of GT, but most GT programs don't accept anything below 130 or so. So that's sort of the default score.

Don't let the HG+ scores that float around here confuse you. Those are definitely not the low end of GT, but the higher end!

As for whether to homeschool or not...what do you WANT to do? What are the 2nd grade teachers like? Do you have reason to believe that they might provide greater challenge?

If the school is willing to work with you, then I'd say start there. See what they're willing to do. You might even plan to start your child in 2nd grade and keep a close eye on things while you research homeschooling, just to have it in your back pocket. It's never a bad idea to keep your options open. But I'm always hesitant to suggest that someone MUST homeschool based on just test scores. (And I'm a homeschooler!)

If YOU think homeschooling makes good sense for your child, though, then that's different. It can certainly be a good way to provide greater challenge. And there are homeschool groups available in most areas to meet social needs.

If you decide you want to learn more about homeschooling, please ask. A number of us here are homeschooling, and we're happy to talk about it and answer questions if we can.
