I want to go to Kriston�s party also!

We have done the same type of party in the past for a combined birthday, although, I must confess that we DID have the bouncing castle in the backyard!

We only do an event party every three years or so. Last year, my son had a laser tag party with twelve guests. He requested donations to provide a scholarship for a Guatemalan child in lieu of gifts for himself. This year he had a family celebration including dinner out followed by cake and gifts at home.

My daughter, who had gone camping with her GS troop over her two previous birthdays, just turned 13. We had the family party, but she is also planning a dance party at a rented hall for a combined party with two friends. Our rules require that she/they invite 50% or less OR 100% of their classmates. I would also imagine that they will request �no gifts� or some kind of donation (maybe for the food pantry) rather than gifts.