We have an avid reader or 3 in our family smile

However, DS (almost 10) is strictly a fantasy reader. Talking animals are among his favorites smile

I'm struggling right now with letting him get books from the adult section in the library and bookstores. So many have a bit too much adult content for me to be completely comfortable. But he has outread the Children's and Young Adult sections LOL. I'm spending alot of my reading time reviewing and previewing to see if I think they are OK. I tend to be a bit more liberal regarding sex (nothing explicit, but implied tends to pass) since he ignores most of that but stricter when it comes to descriptive violence.

For those of a fantasy bent he is working through
The Redwall Series
Anne McCaffrey's Dragons of Pern (as a side note, the books by Her son Todd are much more science based although do still have talking dragons)
Mercedes Lackey selected books in her Heralds of Valdimar series. Some have too much adult contect for a 10 year old in my opinion
Anything Tolkien
Selected books by Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickmann (spelling)
He loved Ender's Game (which by the way still remains one of those books that haunts me. It was a read I couldn't put down and have never forgotten.)
David Eddings

By the way, has anyone else found that the young adult sections seems to have more adult content that alot of the adult sections or have I just been previewing the wrong books?