Hi Inky,

In many scenarios, a parent must take care of the entire family, work to pay bills, and spend more time tending to a gifted child who doesn't have adult maturity to deal with 30 hrs. a week in an existence that's futile to their development...an existences that disrespects who they are and doesn't care. Many of these children become emotionally disturbed and harder to manage. This tries an entire family. Where is the time to become activists for everyone? To say we must is to be completely ignorant of how consuming it is to raise children and to sustain a full marriage. The letter writer doesn't understand how some of us are bloodied and exhausted from bureaucratic brick walls in our communities, just to see one child receive justice. True, we do have more time later on in life. Hope I don't sound rabid. smile

Last edited by san54; 02/10/09 05:48 AM.