
I'm not sure if this is any help, but our DS6 had severe hearing loss when he was 3 due to "glue ear" following many infections (the audiologist said that it was one of the worst she had seen caused by glue ear). He had tubes fitted which returned his hearing to normal. Last year (2 years after tubes) we took him back to have his hearing re-tested. His normal hearing is perfect, but when there is any background noise his hearing deteriorates. The audiologist said that it is normal because when he was young his hearing was so bad that he couldn't learn to isolate sounds and focus on one sound, and that this would develop over time.

He can't stand being in a very noisy environment and when things are noisy he struggles to hear us.

As your DS had lots of ear infections, it could be a similar issue.


Last edited by Tiz; 01/30/09 04:43 AM. Reason: can't spell "any"!