Great! Thanks for sharing, it definitely sounds like you are on the right track. And I like the fact that while you still have extra rewards for positive behaviors, there are some bonding things that you will do together regardless of behavior (cuddling in the morning). I think a big mistake that parents often make is they take away bonding special times together because their child doesn't earn it. And then you get anger, resentment, and they don't even care about pleasing parents or behaving because they don't have much of a relationship with them. While I agree that that is very good to an extent (like earning the family fun day, ice cream, special trips, etc.), I think it is good to do at least something bonding together each day to show them you care like you have been doing. I was teasing my DS4 last night about hurrying up to get to bed because the snuggle monster was going to get him. He is so cute. He kept saying "monsters aren't real mom." and I kept saying "I don't know, snuggle monsters may be." He was cracking up when I did my impromptu theatrical "snuggle monster" performance. It is fun to see him just crack and up be a kid sometimes...He thinks so much that sometimes I miss that. Anyhow, hope things get better and better with your DS!!