Wow, Tiz, your DS6 seems like my DS6. Who is easily more than 2 years ahead of his agemates...but immature and SO SENSITIVE!

I am trying to work with our school to get him to show that he can do the work (he is pretty lazy when it comes to writing and.. and then hopefully get something less dull to do. We can't address the GT until they decide he isn't a behavior / LD problem. ugh.

Originally Posted by kickball
Some day they'll want something - it will be hard - and they won't know how to meet a challenge.
I am also GT, and I remember how school was this place that I had to go everyday just because (except a few years in TX where the whole schools were ability differentiated into 12 bins!). I never needed to look at anything more than once or study or do homework at home...yadda yadda. And now, I wonder why I don't ever want to do anything that isn't super easy. This (and his potentially wasted ability) is my biggest fear for DS6.

For me, GT means Georgia Tech.