To be honest I am finding the whole thing rather overwhelming and I am even finding myself starting to feel annoyed with poor DS6! I know it is not his fault but why does this all have to be so hard. I am very nervous if they accelerate him as (a) I think that he will be just as bored if it is only by one year (b) He is a sensitive boy and doesn't take well to change.

But, I am also nervous if they decide not to as he is already starting to hate Maths (he doesn't want to be doing addition, he wants fractions, decimals etc). He is also doing spellings etc. which are way too easy and obviously the differentiation to date hasn't worked. If he does come across something challenging he has an absolute panic, my biggest fear for him is that if he isn't used to working through a challenging problem he will struggle later in life when presented with one. He is also so different when he is happy with his work at school, so much happier and peaceful - it has an impact on our whole family.

Thank you so much for all your thoughts everyone, it is great to have people to talk to.