My DS is much more interested in 'masking' his uniqueness. In fact, when he gets around other Davidson YSP kids, I see a side of him that I never see at home, and I consider myself very accepting (I'm just not stimulating in that particular way.)

But no, I don't think that anyone would mistake him for ND. Or me either, no matter how hard I tried. LOL, a few years ago, as a project, I sat a few of my local friend down and told them about this side of myself that I've been hiding. Let's just say that I wasn't ever as good an actress as I though I was.

A new friend said to me recently: 'You are so brillient, how do you even relate to regular people?' I had to laugh.

Just for the record, as much progress as I've made with my gifted denial, I still keenly feel my bottleneck areas. I mean, don't try to have a conversation with me about the Obama cabinet. I'm a single topic girl: Gifted and The meaning of Life. Ok, that's two. But you get the picture.


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