Coming in late because of my oral surgery...

Around here, private schools are soooooo common that Ks actually make quite an effort to attract people. In fact, the best teachers in the public school are usually the K teachers!

The K presentation was a lot better than the 1st grade one, however, where DS's soon-to-be teacher worried us before we had even met her by talking ad nauseum about how much work they would do on getting kids who were behind up to speed in reading. We were still hoping for the best from her, but on retrospect, I think the writing was on the wall from the start! It wasn't all platitudes, but I think it might have been worse! eek

I wouldn't drive an hour each way for K either, BBDad. Maybe later. For us, homeschooling the early grades has seemed a better choice, and when he outstrips my ability to teach him or craves more day-to-day contact with other kids--say, at puberty--then we'll make that 45-minute drive to the GT school.
