Wow, BBDad. That gifted school sounds amazing - for some kids. Our DS5 does not like writing (once he figured out at age 2-3 that his letters were not coming out how he wanted them, he quit). And he is not interested in spelling or phonics at the moment, so the writing part would have been horrible for him, I think.

My DH and I are thinking the same thing that you are, though - we are not driving an hour away for kindergarten. To me, this first foray into school is like a test year. We will learn lots of things about what may or may not work. We are soooooo lucky and happy that the local public school gifted coordinator met with us and reviewed our private SB-V results, and she's going to bat for us. She met with the school psychologists and the principal, and we are meeting with them next week to start planning for next year.

So, we are hopeful that things will work locally, but we are also thinking of other schools in case things don't. I would recommend meeting with the local schools at least before the teacher choosing time for next year. You will need an out of the box teacher. And as I've heard many times before on this site and elsewhere, make sure that the results, if you have testing, are shared with the teacher.

Last edited by st pauli girl; 01/16/09 08:02 AM. Reason: Our DS4 is now DS5-how could I forget?