DS8.25 (3rd Grd) took the SCAT (2nd-3rd) on 12/20 and just got the score today. Both are 41/50, with verbal of 443 (80percentile) and math of 454 (87percentile). He got out the testing room 10min after the verbal part; and finally 15min after the math after I told him that he should at least have reviewed the answers; but maybe he just knows only that much.

Because we are in MN, which is covered by NUMAT, the elementary school even has a contact assigned for NUMAT. But now all the local NUMAT registration for EXPLORE is full and the closet one open is at least an hour away. I don't plan on dragging him up at 6am then for him to take a three-hour test.

Given the GT program is mostly to keep their creativity up and the PTC is coming up in a week, will it be appropriate for me to share this SCAT results with the teacher at PTC? Pardon my lack of knowledge in GT area, I don't know if the thoughts of grade skipping should even come into mind. Even that, I think the social skills will be the first concerned feedback from the teacher. I know in the reading area at school, they have more freedom and he is encouraged to read harder ones; but the math contents and progress at school is really getting me inpatient. But of course I don't want to rub teacher the wrong way. Or am I getting ahead of myself?