That's so great that you have an idea of what the issue is and have a plan. Best of luck to you! DD6 has been in vision therapy since end of Sept. and we have seen really big results.
I would suggest that you try to do whatever she is prescribed to do. I had a very uncomfortable time trying to DD6's.

It helps in understanding when they are having a bad day. I know C's excersises are very uncomfortable for her. I give her lots of praise and encouragement, but I do "push" her to finish and try her hardest. There have been a few days I wanted to let her off the hook because I felt so bad for her, but that was more about me!
I do give her rewards so she looks at therapy as steps toward a goal. Because really it is, but she'll have a hard time understanding what the medical goal is. But she totally *gets* Webkinz!!
Good luck!