Um - what are the credentials of this person who is making a diagnosis of "ADD" on the basis of an IQ test? Was a clinical interview done? Rating forms? Other cognitive testing?

I had to fill out a form before he was tested that asked me all the "scale of 1-5" type questions. Distractibility was one of them....I think I put a 3. So that might be where she got that. But to me it's more of a gifted type thing with DS. He will be working on one thing, and all of a sudden it brings up some other question that he wants to know more about and he completely forgets what his original goal was. grin Because of the homeschooling, we can do that. He does eventually complete the original task.....sometimes with lots of redirection from me, though.

The Dr that did his WISC also mentioned ADD, but didn't seem that concerned.....said further testing was up to me.