We accelerated our son this year and it was not really what we wanted. He skipped 2nd this year.
My family and some friends said.... don't do it! We really didn't want to, but the alternative was far worst. Having him sit through 2nd grade with kids who need the class to go slower then normal. His school and our district is behind the national average, the kids don't score as well on the standardized tests..... our district was ranked 48th in the region out of a possible 50. We are in one of the largest districts in the area.
He works on a 5th grade level fairly consistently. The school was not able to offer any plan for 2nd grade.
Out of all the options, it was the least- worst.
But if the school could have come up with a plan.... we wouldn't have done it. If there was some promise that he would be in a better position.... we would have left him there. But there was nothing.
So - we skipped him. And it is not perfect, we aren't thrilled. And I question whether we did the right thing...... But I do know it is somewhat more challenging. Socially it's not good. He doesn't really like most of the kids. There are a few kids he gets along with, but for the most part it isn't a great situation.
We are looking at a private school and if it all works out, it won't be perfect.... but I have decided to stop second guessing myself, and go with what's in my gut. At least the kids at the private school will be more like my son, ahead of the game. But if we move him there there are not guarantees it will work out.
There is no perfect answer. If it doesn't work well keep looking till we find something.