Just avoid using the term "drill and kill" with her. She's not likely to respond well to that characterization of her teaching.

(even if it's accurate...)
Yes, I don't think I will win friends and influence people using the term "drill & kill." LOL!
Inky - I dislike EM (Everyday Math) - there was a thread on this Board about it at one point and most folks dislike it. EPGY was favored as were several others. Alas, I don't HS. FWIW: Supposedly, EM is the "best" of the worst with the general consensus that there aren't many good math programs in this country.
I do like your idea of other ways to challenge DS with math (along with the suggestions of several others). I do fear EM isn't meeting his needs. Kids today are bright enough to catch the repetitious spiralling, even if some of it is from previous years! Ugh! Good luck to you as well.