What about lab requirements when teaching high school chemistry, biology, physics? I have spoken to high schools about accepting my DD13 into advanced classes if she has learned these topics at home. They usually 'natter on about how important their coursework/ their lab work is to a student. Several high schools refused to accept online science courses at all (like CTY).

I would love to pull DD13 out of her current middle school, which seems to be becoming anti-intellectual; they recently pulled their academic awards because "it was always the same kids getting the awards". Instead they profusely award, with many hundreds of citations, citizenship and sports and leadership - but no academic awards until the very end of the year. No substituting academics for leadership either - "trust falls" for all, regardless of academic ability.

Back to the question - will high schools, and eventually colleges, accept your homeschooled adolescent if they haven't had laboratory based science?